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Video Games & Mobile Apps: Your Essential Guide to Privacy and Tracking

Video games saw huge growth across all platforms in 2020 as many parts of the world moved into lockdown to combat Covid-19.

According to Superdata, a Nielsen company, April 2020 saw the highest ever monthly digital games sales of $10.5B, with May remaining 14% above the same period in 2019.

These sales are being driven by 2.6 billion gamers around the world downloading more games and content than ever before, who in the process are leaving a digital footprint of personal information. With this surge in demand it’s a good time to review practices in handling all this personal information and ensuring there is compliance with data protection legislation.

This webinar will explore why privacy in video games and mobile apps remains a key consideration for publishers and developers. For instance, player consent is required but how many people really read the terms and conditions? How effective are they? And what are the implications for games companies and mobile apps with so much emphasis currently on privacy and tracking?

View this panel discussion in partnership with The Trust Bridge featuring guest speaker, Neil Westwood from Simmons & Simmons, to learn more.