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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.
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Thumb Grid - White

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Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation
3 men and a lady in a yellow top
3 men and a lady in a yellow top
3 men and a lady in a yellow top

Thumb Grid

Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised
Group of people watching presentation hands raised

Fall Guys

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In luctus, massa eu maximus

Nos studios locaux

Large Feature Content

Lorem ipsum

Award Grid Block

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.

Meilleur fournisseur de services d’assurance qualité et de localisation

Entreprise de l’année

Meilleur doublage

Excellent fournisseur de services

Meilleur studio

General Enquiries

Please note this is strictly for Investor enquiries and you can contact us directly by completing the form below.

Veuillez cocher cette case si vous acceptez nos conditions d’utilisation et reconnaissez que vos données seront traitées, conservées et utilisées pour communiquer avec vous au sujet d’informations liées à Keywords Studios conformément à notre avis de confidentialité.

Masonry Grid Block

Group pf men and women in shirts gathered around discussing notes
Blidlight - Keywords
Dubbing Mix Room

Feature Grid Block

Lorem ipsum



Ashley Liu

Directrice générale - Création
Lire sa biographie
Headshot of Bertrand Bodson

Bertrand Bodson

Chef de la direction
Lire sa biographie

Dan McCormick

Directeur des systèmes d’information
Lire sa biographie

Elodie Powers

Directrice mondiale du développement audio, des médias et du divertissement
Lire sa biographie

Frederic Arens

Directeur de l’assistance aux joueurs
Lire sa biographie
Headshot of Jamie Campbell

Jamie Campbell

Responsable mondial de l’innovation
Lire sa biographie
Headshot of Joe Binnion

Joe Binnion

Directeur des ressources humaines et de la culture
Lire sa biographie
Headshot of Jon Hauck

Jon Hauck

Directeur de l’exploitation
Lire sa biographie

Michael Wallen

Directeur commercial
Lire sa biographie
Nicolas Headshot

Nicolas Liorzou

Directeur des services partagés
Lire sa biographie

Rob Kingston

Directeur financier
Lire sa biographie

Romina Franceschina

Directrice de la ligne de service Localisation
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Headshot of Rhonda Cottingham

Rhonda Cottingham

Directrice de la ligne de service - Assurance qualité fonctionnelle
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Tony Grigg

Directeur général du marketing et directeur général - Engagement
Lire sa biographie

Trina Marshall

Directrice de la transformation mondiale
Lire sa biographie

L’acquisition a été un tremplin vers l’ingénierie et l’automatisation de l’assurance qualité.


Ce partenariat avec ArenaNet a permis de mettre en place les premières étapes de l’assurance qualité des fonctionnalités de Keywords dans la région de Seattle. 

L’équipe Keywords de Seattle est désormais au premier plan de l’ingénierie, de l’automatisation et des outils d’assurance qualité de Keywords Studios.


Text and Media text right

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.


Text and Media background

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. 

Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.

La solution Keywords Studios

Cet arrangement a offert une valeur que Gearbox ne pouvait pas trouver ailleurs. En collaborant avec les studios de services artistiques de Keywords en Asie, notamment Mindwalk et Lakshya Digital, Liquid a pu rapidement augmenter son niveau de service, augmentant considérablement le volume tout en réduisant les coûts et le nombre de directeurs artistiques internes dont Gearbox avait besoin pour soutenir le travail. Cette collaboration a également permis à Gearbox d’affiner ses systèmes internes. En intégrant les artistes et gestionnaires hautement spécialisés et expérimentés de Liquid à ses processus internes, Gearbox a acquis de nouvelles méthodes qui ont amélioré la production globale.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, rdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.


Text List block - vertical

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.

Text List block

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.

Text List block

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.

Text List block

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue a urna viverra vestibulum ut a sem. Cras tempor nibh purus, nec faucibus ligula hendrerit at. Integer turpis urna, aliquet elementum nibh vel, porttitor mollis ante. Integer et massa vitae massa scelerisque volutpat ac vitae ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam euismod lorem ac maximus interdum. Morbi arcu neque, posuere at risus vitae, bibendum egestas erat. Integer nec varius felis.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

filter title


Rapport annuel 2013

Real-Life Threat Detection and Escalation

The second pillar of Responsible Moderation involves the near real-time detection and escalation of content that represents real-world threats. This is especially important in the wake of legislation like the EU Digital Services Act and the UK Online Harms Act, both of which focus on removing illegal content in a timely manner. 

The surge in online threats like CSAM, extremist content, and self-harm or suicide content (whether the content endorses such activities or consists of users threatening to harm themselves) has amplified the need for timely identification and escalation to authorities. 

This is where the AI + HI approach becomes indispensable — and potentially lifesaving. 

Unlike human moderators who have limited capacity, AI can detect and flag this dangerous content in real-time, drawing attention to time-sensitive issues swiftly and efficiently.

With the assistance of AI, human moderators can concentrate on their crucial role — collecting details about the flagged content, confirming its potential harm, and escalating the matter to law enforcement and other authorities when necessary.

Along with employing technology to augment human work, platforms must build robust and battle-tested processes, establish relationships with law enforcement, and collaborate with organisations like NCMEC and INHOPE. 

At Keywords Studios, we are proud to share that, due to our expertise in escalating cases to the FBI, we have established a direct line of communication to their team that handles cyber cases. We believe that cultivating these relationships with law enforcement agencies is instrumental in creating safer video game communities, not to mention complying with legislation.

Real-Life Threat Detection and Escalation

The second pillar of Responsible Moderation involves the near real-time detection and escalation of content that represents real-world threats. This is especially important in the wake of legislation like the EU Digital Services Act and the UK Online Harms Act, both of which focus on removing illegal content in a timely manner. 

The surge in online threats like CSAM, extremist content, and self-harm or suicide content (whether the content endorses such activities or consists of users threatening to harm themselves) has amplified the need for timely identification and escalation to authorities. 

This is where the AI + HI approach becomes indispensable — and potentially lifesaving. 

Unlike human moderators who have limited capacity, AI can detect and flag this dangerous content in real-time, drawing attention to time-sensitive issues swiftly and efficiently.

With the assistance of AI, human moderators can concentrate on their crucial role — collecting details about the flagged content, confirming its potential harm, and escalating the matter to law enforcement and other authorities when necessary.

Along with employing technology to augment human work, platforms must build robust and battle-tested processes, establish relationships with law enforcement, and collaborate with organisations like NCMEC and INHOPE. 

At Keywords Studios, we are proud to share that, due to our expertise in escalating cases to the FBI, we have established a direct line of communication to their team that handles cyber cases. We believe that cultivating these relationships with law enforcement agencies is instrumental in creating safer video game communities, not to mention complying with legislation.

Moderators: The Secret Superheroes of the Internet

Perhaps the most transformative aspect of Responsible Moderation is the reframing of how we view and treat superhero content moderators.The role of a content moderator can be profoundly challenging and demanding. Moderators can be faced with graphic and disturbing content, which can significantly erode their mental health and overall wellbeing. In fact, recent studies have drawn parallels between moderators and first responders such as police officers and EMTs who regularly encounter indirect trauma.

Unfortunately, this reality has been ignored by too many for too many years.

Under Responsible Moderation, we see moderators for what they are — digital first responders. We recognise their analytical and linguistic skills, leverage their insights and expertise, provide robust wellbeing and resilience support, and equip them with AI-powered tools to pre-screen potentially harmful content, thus reducing their exposure to the most distressing material. This not only makes their work less psychologically taxing but also allows them more space to apply their human judgment where it is most needed.

A Responsible Moderation Call to Action

As video game platforms continue to grow and evolve (the Metaverse and VR pose new challenges that we must be ready to face), the stakes only get higher. The spread of dangerous and illegal content not only undermines the integrity of our game spaces but poses real risks to players' and moderators’ mental and physical well-being. It's a challenge that requires the collective effort of all of us — Trust & Safety professionals, game developers, content moderators, policymakers, technology providers, and players alike.

The journey towards Responsible Moderation will not be without its challenges. It requires a commitment to challenge previously held assumptions about the roles of technology and humans in moderation, an embrace of innovative thinking, and, most importantly, empathy and compassion. 

By adopting a Responsible Moderation approach, we can protect not only our players and communities, but also the superhero moderators who work tirelessly behind the scenes. 

This is not just a moderation revolution; it's a movement towards building a more inclusive, safe, and responsible internet for everyone.